Gorilla Radio
Gorilla Radio
Ape Goes to Victoria Gaza Solidarity March and Rally Day 260 June 22, 2024

Ape Goes to Victoria Gaza Solidarity March and Rally Day 260 June 22, 2024

Joined again a couple hundred Victorians to remind to humanity...

Israel’s Abu Ghraib? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/22/happening-again-guantanamo-victims-say-israel-using-us-style-torture

This week, I preface the usual speechifying at the Legislature with another speech delivered a couple days ago on the steps of City Hall, as councilors inside voted on a motion damning protests against Israeli atrocity and Canadian complicity in genocide. The motion, much altered from its original language, though carrying the same intent of smearing those standing in opposition to the current horror passed muster here in Victoria.