Gorilla Radio
Gorilla Radio
Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Laith Marouf, Salam Hamdan June 26, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Laith Marouf, Salam Hamdan June 26, 2024

Laith Marouf and Hezbollah, eyeing the neighbours warily; Salam Hamdan and the war at home in the West Bank in the second half.

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 26th, 2024

The ongoing conflict between Hezbollah and Israel has forced evacuation of colonial outposts along the border region. Meanwhile, the release last week of drone footage of sensitive Israeli targets taken over Haifa by Hezbollah has shaken confidence in Iron Dome defenses, making a settler return to the northern occupied zone unlikely in the near term. Israel's leadership, such as it is, promises escalation with Lebanon as a solution, warning it will make another Gaza of Beirut. For its part, Hezbollah says it will retaliate to attacks on it from where ever they emanate.

Laith Marouf is founder and Executive Director of FreePalestine.Video. The Palestinian-Canadian is a long-time multimedia consultant and producer, and Canadian broadcast law expert, currently chronicling the burgeoning regional disaster from his base in Beirut. Free Palestine Video says it’s meant to provide coverage of the region, “…in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West.”

Laith Marouf in the first half.

And; headlines of serial refugee massacres and famine rife across the Gaza Strip hardly seems to raise eyebrows now, as Israel's genocide grinds towards its ninth month. It's almost as if the latest are meant to obscure the recent, as the number of atrocities, and their degree of depravity multiplies.

But, it's not confined just to Gaza. The Occupied Territories are also subject to horrors inflicted daily by the IDF, police, and settler goon squads. Hundreds in the West Bank have been killed since October, thousands more wounded, or snatched up into Israeli prisons and detention camps.

Representatives in the United Nations Security Council expressed their concern yesterday, the Algerian envoy Amar Bendjama saying, “The situation in the West Bank will deteriorate further if the occupying power does not cease its policy of terror, of expansion of settlement...".

Salam Hamdan is a Palestinian political activist and Social-Feminist from Ramallah in the West Bank. Salam recently spoke here in Victoria on ‘Two States in Palestine: Solution or Fantasy?’. She's back at home in Ramallah, where the situation is getting more dangerous, as the outrages of the occupying military and their Palestine Authority collaborators grow.

Salam Hamdan and the war at home, in the West Bank in the second half.

But first, Laith Marouf and Hezbollah, eyeing the neighbours warily.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at Gorilla-Radio.com, GRadio.Substack.com, and the GR blog at: https://gorillaradioblog.blogspot.com/