Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dimitri Lascaris, John Helmer December 3rd, 2023
Dimitri Lascaris seeking justice for Canada’s role aiding and abetting the crime of the century; John Helmer and Israel's genotoxic war against Palestine in the second half.
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded December 2nd and 3rd, 2023.
On November 16th, Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau received a “notice of intention to seek prosecution by the International Criminal Court”. Trudeau is one of four Canadian government officials cited in the notice for their complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the state of Israel since the commencement of its bombardment of Gaza on October 7th.
The notice, issued by the UK-based, International Centre of Justice for Palestinians and acted upon by its Canadian associates in the Legal Working Group for Canadian Accountability under the principles of Universal Jurisdiction is supported, the ICJP maintains by, “…Canada’s support of Israel’s armed forces where there is demonstrable evidence that international crimes may have already been committed, and when there is clear evidence that further crimes against civilians will imminently be perpetrated.”
Dimitri Lascaris is a Montreal-based activist, journalist, and lawyer. He served as Justice Critic in the Shadow Cabinet of the Green Party of Canada and likewise for the Green Party of Quebec. Dimitri’s interviews for TRNN are available at TheRealNews.com, and his articles appear at various sites online, including his website, DimitriLascaris.org.
Dimitri Lascaris in the first half.
And; in addition to the war crimes being committed in Gaza by Israel, as noted by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk; namely, “The collective punishment by Israel of Palestinian civilians… [and] … unlawful forcible evacuation of civilians.” there is too the matter of the material manner in which Israel’s crimes are being committed. Specifically, the “materiel” allegedly being used by its military, that in themselves constitute crimes.
Israel has proven its willingness to use internationally banned weapons like white phosphorous in Gaza in past attacks – and photographic evidence reveals it is doing so now – but what of the generationally destructive depleted uranium?
John Helmer is a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. Principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears, Helmer has too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism, and served as advisor to governments at the highest levels.
Among his many book titles are: ‘Skripal in Prison,’ ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Jackals’ Wedding: American Power, Arab Revolt’, ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17’, ‘SOVCOMPLOT: How Pirates Tried to Capture the Treasure of the Russian Seas, and Were Caught Out’, and his lately released autobiography, ‘Dunce Upon a Time: A Life of Mistakes’.
John Helmer and is Israel waging an everlasting genotoxic war against Palestine? in the second half.
But first, Dimitri Lascaris and seeking justice for Canada’s role aiding and abetting the crime of the century in Gaza.
Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at Gorilla-Radio.com, GRadio.Substack.com, and the GR blog at: